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AT&T Automation Services Delivery Platform OLTPD


Design and develop a solution for the AT&T Operations Team, automating the AT&T Managed Security Services orders fulfillment process.


Our team engaged in tight cooperation with multiple AT&T’s research & development, operations teams for requirements gathering, alignment to AT&T standards and policies, security auditing, multiple integration points with various AT&T business and IT systems to enable complete process automation.


Internal employees and external customers facing solution, designed with high scalability and security standards, advanced architecture and deployment model – microservices, dockers, CI, CD and monitoring infrastructure. Implementation uses cutting edge server and client technologies for scalability and high availability.


Sogo completed on time and on budget delivery of 6 production versions, which replaced legacy systems. Solution delivery has resulted in a significant improvement in order fulfillment process flow and reduced completion times.

OLTPD optimized the AT&T managed security services customer orders fulfillment process by

  • ensuring accuracy/completeness of information in TPD (Transaction Provisioning Document);

  • reducing “send backs” and “number of touches” between customers, SIMs (Solution Implementation Managers), engineers, sales;

  • gathering all relevant data from various systems in one place (TPD);

  • simplifying customer experience to speed up a TPD completion;

  • automating data validation;

  • automating SIM, SE (Security Engineer) and NE (Network Engineer) assignment process;

  • automating networking and security policy initial assignment processes;

  • providing processes visibility and timely status updates.

AT&T is the world's largest telecommunications company


Tall Buildings



“I’ve been working with Sogo for the last year and half.
During this time, we outsourced a lot of our software development to Sogo, in various domains as architecture, security, backend and front end development. I’ve found Sogo to be very professional in their deliveries. They have always lived up to their commitments, delivered on time, with good quality and modern engineering practices.
I will be happy to continue working with Sogo and recommend it to whom It may concern.”
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